The Lasting Environmental Impact of How Strange a Season

The Lasting Environmental Impact of How Strange a Season

How Strange a Season is the ingenious product of a writer with real experience in the field of climate change journalism. Written by Megan Mayhew Bergman, this book shows her ability to write stories that reflect both subtle and profound changes to landscapes, and the way these changes to landscapes impact the quality of human lives.

When asked about the inclusion of climate change topics throughout How Strange a Season, MMB said, “No one wants to read a manifesto or be preached to, so when it comes to fiction, story has to come in front of principle, even if it’s principle that brought me to the page.”

In this thoughtful blend of contemplation and imagination, Megan Mayhew Bergman writes about the lives of strong women with topics including a modern glass house on a treacherous California cliff, a water-starved ranch, and an abandoned plantation on a river near Charleston. Bergman works to answer the question: what are we leaving behind for our descendants to hold, and what price will they pay for our mistakes?

This collection of stories will be released on March 29 published by Scribner. Preorder from Battenkill Books, your local bookstore, or any of the places listed here.

These are extraordinary stories. They’ll make you think deeply, maybe uncomfortably, always interestingly.

Bill Mckibben

Over the last decade, MMB has been focused on substantive and compelling environmental narratives – working as an environmental journalist with The Guardian and an environmental essayist at The Paris Review. She also works with scientists, lawyers, and academics to help them share environmental stories in a way that reaches the hearts and minds of readers in her role as a Senior Fellow at the Conservation Law Foundation and as Director of Middlebury’s Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’ Conference. 

Megan Mayhew Bergman is one of the best authors out there for chronicling our tangled, intimate, complicated relationship to the natural world; her elegant, lyrical prose documents an evolving crisis and our incorrigibly human responses to it…

Lit hub

“That Tingling of Inspiration,” an interview Megan Mayhew Bergman is featured in Issue 16 of SR. You can find out more about Megan and her work on her website and Twitter.