#ArtLitPhx: Pompeii: the Exhibition After Hours

Experience the city nature destroyed but also preserved in “Pompeii: the Exhibition” and explore the rare types of volcanic eruptions in Supervolcanos. Exhibition and Supervolcanoes Planetarium Show are available March 17 and 18, April 5 and 22, May 6, 17, 24 and 25 from 5 pm to 10 pm, the exhibition will be at the Arizona Science Center from November 18. 2017 through May 28, 2018.

Supervolcanoes explores rare types of volcanic eruptions that marshal the energy that lurks, like a sleeping dragon, beneath the surface of planet Earth. The story of these big blowouts is a tale of havoc and mayhem: mass extinctions, climate collapses, and violence beyond anything humans have ever witnessed. In this unique immersive experience, audiences will explore the impact of volcanism on Earth and other worlds in our solar system. Can a supervolcano erupt in our own time? The answer is surprisingly close to home.


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