Literary Partners: Berkeley Fiction Review

Featured Partner: Berkeley Fiction Review

Berkeley Fiction ReviewThe Berkeley Fiction Review is one of several descendants of UC Berkeley’s Occident literary journal, which was published from 1881 to the 1960s. Established in 1981, it is now UC Berkeley’s oldest prose journal. We strive to publish short fiction that challenges the concept of the short story through unique prose, curious concepts, and engrossing narratives. We’d love for you to be a part of our literary tradition. Send your creative works to!

“When you read a short story, you come out a little more aware and a little more in love with the world around you.” – George Saunders

Berkeley Fiction Review

Berkeley Fiction ReviewProduced on the same campus that birthed the Free Speech Movement in the wild 1960s, the Berkeley Fiction Review publishes stories that honor expression, creativity and individuality. We believe that all well-written ideas deserve a forum, from the traditional to the experimental, the niche and ubiquitous. Since 1981, BFR has published, and continues to publish, a kaleidoscopic body of work.
Will you be a part of it?
Visit for details on submissions, as well as our Twitter @BerkeleyFiction



Berkeley Fiction Review

The Berkeley Fiction Review is a UC Berkeley undergraduate, student-run publication. We look for innovative short fiction that plays with form and content, as well as traditionally constructed stories with fresh voices and original ideas.

We invite submissions of previously unpublished short stories year round and publish annually. Submissions are free. Contributors whose stories are published receive one free copy of the issue their story appears in. We also host fiction contests and nominate to O. Henry, Best American Short Stories, and Pushcart prizes.

We also invite submissions to our annual sudden-fiction contest. See website.

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Berkeley Fiction Review

Berkeley Fiction Review

The Berkeley Fiction Review is a UC Berkeley undergraduate, student-run publication. We look for innovative short fiction that plays with form and content, as well as traditionally constructed stories with fresh voices and original ideas. Ultimately, we seek to contribute to literature’s on-going evolution.

We invite submissions of previously unpublished short stories year round and publish annually. Submissions are free. Contributors whose stories are published receive one free copy of the issue their story appears in. We also host fiction contests and nominate to O. Henry, Best American Short Stories, and Pushcart prizes. Click the link to learn more about the submission guidelines:

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