Indiana Review 2014 Fiction Prize, Final Judge: Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay JudgeContest Opens: September 1, 2014 Submissions Deadline: October 31, 2014


Roxane Gay’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Mystery Stories 2014, Best American Short Stories 2012, Best Sex Writing 2012, A Public Space, McSweeney’s, Tin House, Oxford American, American Short Fiction, West Branch, Virginia Quarterly Review, NOON, The New York Times Book Review, Bookforum, Time, The Los Angeles Times, The Nation, The Rumpus, Salon, The Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy culture blog, and many others. She is the co-editor of PANK and essays editor for The Rumpus. Her novel, An Untamed State, was published by Grove Atlantic and her essay collection, Bad Feminist, was published by Harper Perennial, both in 2014. Her book Hunger will be published by Harper in 2016.

Reading Fee: $20 USD—Includes a one-year subscription

The winner of our contest will receive $1,000, publication in Indiana Review, and a scholarship to attend the 75th Annual Indiana University Writers’ Conference, an additional $600 value.

All entries are considered for publication.

All entries are considered anonymously.

Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered.

Simultaneous submissions are okay, but the fee is non-refundable if accepted elsewhere.

Multiple entries are okay, as long as a separate reading fee is included with each entry.

Further, IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University or the prize judge.

For more information, click here.


  • Send one piece of fiction per entry, maximum length 8,000 words
  • As of September 2014 we no longer accept hard-copy submissions.
  • Entrant’s name must not appear on the submission.
  • Cover letter must include name, address, phone number, and title. Entrant’s name should appear ONLY in the cover letter.
  • Each fee entitles entrant to a one-year subscription, an extension of a current subscription, or a gift subscription. Please indicate your choice and enclose complete address information for subscriptions. International addresses, please add $12 for postage ($7 for addresses in Canada).
  • Be sure to select the genre “Fiction Prize” on the submission form.