Nicole Dunlap will be graduating from ASU in May with a degree in English Literature.
Superstition Review: What is your position with Superstition Review and what are your responsibilities?
Nicole Dunlap: I’m working on the development of SR–putting together documents for Kindle–I will be composing all of the past issues into organized word documents.
SR: How did you hear about Superstition Review and what made you decide to get involved?
ND: My adviser recommended I apply for the internship Fall 09.
SR: What are you hoping to take away from your Superstition Review experience?
ND: More experience with working with a team, learning how the line of production works for publishing a magazine.
SR: Describe one of your favorite literary or artistic works.
ND: I don’t like choosing favorites…but a couple contemporary pieced I like include Mark Danielewski’s book House of Leaves–it’s a combination of literature and visual arts. Also the only book I’ve ever reread (by choice) is Donna Tartt’s The Secret History.
SR: What are you currently reading?
ND: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey.
SR: What other position(s) for Superstition Review would you like to try out?
ND: I’d like to be the non-fiction editor. I would love to be forced to read all submissions–good and bad.
SR: Do you prefer reading literary magazines online or in print?
ND: I like reading things in print, just because I like the physical act of turning pages, dog-earing pages, etc.
SR: Do you write or create art? What are you currently working on?
ND: I’m working on a dual collaboration with my friend Kara Roschi–I’m printing photographs directly onto wood slabs. I think it’s being displayed in the Practical Art gallery in April.
SR: Besides interning for Superstition Review, how do you spend your time?
ND: I work a lot. In my free time I like taking photographs, writing, and going out with friends.
SR: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
ND: I hope to be in graduate school in 10 years. Hopefully in the meantime I’ll spend some time in Germany.