Nicole Davis is a freshman in Graphic Design.
Superstition Review: What is your position with Superstition Review and what are your responsibilities?
Nicole Davis: I am the Photoshopper. I use Photoshop to format all the headshots that are published in SR and I also help with advertising ideas.
SR: How did you hear about Superstition Review and what made you decide to get involved?
ND: I got an email about an internship and applied. I didn’t expect to get it, and I am so excited to be a part of SR this issue.
SR: What are you hoping to take away from your Superstition Review experience?
ND: I want to gain a better understanding of what it takes to put together and publish a magazine.
SR: Describe one of your favorite literary or artistic works.
ND: I really love collages and photomontages like work by Hong Hao.
SR: What are you currently reading?
ND: Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, I love it so far.
SR: What is your favorite Superstition Review section, and why?
ND: I really love the art section. I’m a painter and a photographer so seeing other people’s art is really inspiring.
SR: What other position(s) for Superstition Review would you like to try out?
ND: I would love to be an art editor or work in advertising.
SR: Do you prefer reading literary magazines online or in print?
ND: Print, I truly love having that tangible object versus the computer screen.
SR: Do you write or create art? What are you currently working on?
ND: I used to write when I was younger but now I’m much more artistic. I’m currently working on a painting of superman for my older brother for his birthday.
SR: Besides interning for Superstition Review, how do you spend your time?
ND: I’m a full-time student, and I also have a part time job and a pizza place called Picazzo’s. I also attend a group called YoungLife and rehearse with the ASU Gospel Choir each week.
SR: What is your favorite mode of relaxation?
ND: Napping. Nothing is better than a nice, mid-day nap.
SR: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
ND: In 10 years I hope to have a job that I enjoy. While my dream is to be a magazine editor, I’m open to my future. I’m not positive where I’ll end up, but my biggest goal is to be happy.