“Interrupted by Trains,” an event which takes place at Splinter Collective, is fast approaching! Curated and hosted by Samantha Bloom, “Interrupted by Trains” happens on the fourth Saturday of every month at 7:30pm. This time, it will feature visual art and poetry by Valyntina Grenier, as well as poetry from Farid Matuk, Mo LaFlo, Viv, Jess Rite and Sara Sams. Each performance will have an ASL translator.
Valyntina Grenier is the author of two chapbooks—Fever Dream / Take Heart and In Our Now—and her art has appeared in exhibitions in Tucson, Phoenix, California, and Texas. Her art will also be featured in Issue 30 of Superstition Review.
This event requires that participants wear masks. Splinter Collective’s goal is to “provide a safe, accessible and equitable physical and community space for liberatory art practices and social justice organizing.” They currently reside in an adobe warehouse in Tucson, Arizona.