Book Giveaways: Upcoming Contests

Over the next few weeks, SR staff is running a contest on Twitter, and each prize will be a book from one of our interview authors for Issue 26.

The first contest will be Social Justice Book Recs, taking place on November 12-15. Tweet us a pic of your favorite social justice book and tell us why you love it. Two winners will be selected to receive a copy of The New American by Micheline Aharonian Marcom or The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans.

The New American by Micheline Aharonian Marcom

Simon & Schuster

The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans

Riverhead Books

The second contest will be a Social Justice Book Spine Poetry Contest, taking place on November 19-22. Tweet us a poem made out of book spines that has to do with Social Justice and tell us why you are a social justice advocate. We will pick two winners to receive a copy of This Is All I Got by Lauren Sandler or Disability Visibility by Alice Wong.

This Is All I Got by Lauren Sandler  

Random House 

Disability Visibility by Alice Wong

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