Contributor Update, Ephraim Scott Sommers

Today we congratulate Ephraim Scott Sommers, poet and singer-songwriter, on the publication of his second poetry collection Someone You Love is Still Alive. The book is forthcoming from Jacar Press in November of 2019 and has been chosen by poet Mary O’Donnell as the winner of the Jacar Press Full-Length poetry contest.

The beautifully-written collection which deals with the challenges of being human and life’s many complications has received much advance praise for its artistry from other notable poets and authors. We can’t wait to read it and we know you can’t either!

To learn about Ephraim Scott Sommers and his work you can visit his website for more information. And take the time to check out his interview with Superstition Review featured in Issue 19.

Congratulations, Ephraim!

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3 thoughts on “Contributor Update, Ephraim Scott Sommers

  • October 9, 2019 at 5:22 pm

    I have read some of his work on Superstition Review and his work is beautiful. I’m starting to read more poetry and sometimes write it. I think poetry is a way for us as the reader or the listener to understand the writer. I feel that poetry is a form of art and is something to be shared with others.

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