David Meischen, A Contributor Update

In this week’s contributor update, we are proud to feature the debut of Anyone’s Son, contributor David Meischen’s recently published poetry collection. Anyone’s Son was published in May of 2020 by 3: A Taos Press.

We previously featured David’s short story “In The Garden” in Issue 7 of Superstition Review and he has since authored two guest posts on our blog.

“From the rural South Texas of the nineteen fifties to a desert mesa in New Mexico many years later, Anyone’s Son illuminates the moments of a life animated by the author’s yearning, at its root sexual, for the company of another man. In five sections, each one corresponding to a stage in the life delineated here, the author offers scenes from his childhood on a small farm, as well as moments of conflicted adolescence. He explores unmitigated sexual pleasure, sometimes fraught with anguish and shame. He remembers scenes from marriage and fatherhood, from the wreckage and rebuilding that came at midlife. And finally, glimpses from a second marriage, this time unconflicted, to a man, to the right man. At its heart, Anyone’s Son poses an implicit question: What is identity?”

To read more about David and his work, visit his website here.

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2 thoughts on “David Meischen, A Contributor Update

  • September 28, 2020 at 9:41 pm

    This poetry collection looks so interesting! I know we’re told not to judge a book by its cover, but I know it’s already something I would pick up and read through in one session. The concept of identity as a creative prompt is such a great topic, and I’m definitely going to look into this collection when I have the chance!

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