Get Published in Crazyhorse and Win $2000. Deadline January 15th

Crazyhorse is accepting fiction and poetry entries for The Crazyhorse Fiction Prize and the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize. A winner from each category will be eligible for a $2000 prize and publication in the Fall 2012 issue of Crazyhorse. Submissions can be uploaded online or mailed in with a $16 reading fee, which includes a one year subscription to Crazyhorse. Entries must be a maximum of 25 pages in length (for fiction) or three poems up to 10 pages in length (for poetry). Multiple submissions may be entered, but hurry. This contest is only open until January 15. You can find the terms and conditions, along with more information at Crazyhorse.

Also check out their upcoming Crazyhorse Writers Conference at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina March 15-18, 2012. Faculty members, literary artists, and readers will come together to discuss and present literature and celebrated pieces throughout the weekend. This is a wonderful opportunity for writers, readers, and literature aficionados alike.

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One thought on “Get Published in Crazyhorse and Win $2000. Deadline January 15th

  • January 20, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    Thank you very much. We’re glad to be back on your daily bloglist. Stay tuned for some new material this week.

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