We’re so excited to report that Chelsea Dingman’s first full-length book, Thaw, is forthcoming from the University of Georgia Press (2017) and will be published this fall. Thaw was chosen by Allison Joseph to win the National Poetry Series in 2016, and the University of Southern Florida reports that Ms. Joseph described the book as “beautifully wrought and, dare I say, heartfelt…Dingman is not afraid to move emotions here, there and everywhere.”
The University of Southern Florida, where Chelsea teaches, shares more details about Thaw:
“The imagery of her poems explores the invitation and impermanence of landscapes. The book is loosely based on Dingman’s childhood and grounded in the landscapes of western Canada, although the experiences of the narrator are imagined. Florida is also represented in the book when the speaker moves and a question of personal exile arises.”
In her upcoming Authors Talk podcast, which will go live April 28, Chelsea says, “In writing Thaw, I feel like it’s been a book that I’ve been trying to write for 20 years.” She also shares:
“It [Thaw] explores the issues of family violence, poverty, kinship, death, abuse, and grief…It also explores the speaker’s roles as mother, child, daughter, wife, sister, and citizen, and how family can sometimes be the thing that keeps us sane, while other times it can be the thing we run from.”
You can access Chelsea’s poems in Issue 18 of Superstition Review. You can also stay updated with Chelsea’s website.