Meet the Fiction Contributors for Issue 33

Our editors are hard at work building Issue 33 of Superstition Review, which will launch May 1. This issue features six fiction authors: Darci Shummer, David Yourdon, Fatima Alharthi, Jennifer Ly, Steven Archer, and Will Musgrove.

Darci Schummer is author of the novel The Ballad of Two Sisters (Unsolicited Press), the story collection Six Months in the Midwest (Unsolicited Press), and the poetry chapbook The Book of Orion (Bottlecap Press). Her work has appeared in several journals and anthologies such as Ninth LetterFolioJet Fuel ReviewSundog Lit, and Pithead Chapel. She is an assistant professor of creative writing and creative writing director at Colorado State University Pueblo. 

David Yourdon is a writer based in Canada. His stories have appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, HAD, Atlas and Alice, and elsewhere.

Fatima Alahrthi is a Saudi writer and translator. Her work appeared in The Southern ReviewDenver QuarterlyLos Angeles Review and SmokeLong Quarterly among others.

Jennifer Ly

Steven Archer is a queer, Haitian-Peruvian writer from Hollywood, Florida. His work has appeared in AGNI and The Superstition Review. He holds an MFA from the University of Central Florida, where he was Provost Fellow in fiction, and is an alum of the 2023 Tin House Autumn Workshop. He lives in Orlando.

Will Musgrove is a writer and journalist from Northwest Iowa. He received an MFA from Minnesota State University, Mankato. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Penn Review, Florida Review, Pinch, The Forge, Passages North, Tampa Review, and elsewhere.

Contributor Update: Timothy Reilly

We are excited to celebrate Timothy Reilly’s recent publication of his fiction chapbook, Short Story Quartet.

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” — C.S Lewis

As the title suggests, this fiction chapbook (published by Bottlecap Press) contains just four stories. The tone is set by a flash fiction titled “Tom Corbett and the Cadets of the Academy.” The flash is something of a “junior” quest story: via a 1950s TV space adventure show, and a box top from Kraft caramels. The stories in this miniature collection are certainly diverse, but they are all stories of longing —with skirmishes and hints of reconciliation between physics and metaphysics. The collection ends with a story blending youth and old age: with an unapologetic nod to The Wizard of Oz.

This book has been well received, hailed “A beautifully nostalgic collection” by Fictive Dream literary magazine.

Timothy Reilly has contributed stories to Superstition Review in both Issues 16 and 19. He also wrote two guest posts for s[r]: “Mozartean,” (November 21, 2020) and “How a Former Tuba Player Becomes a Writer of Short Stories” (October 18, 2018).

You can purchase Short Story Quartet from Bottlecap Press here.

Timothy Reilly had been a professional tubist (including a stint with the Teatro Regio of Turin, Italy) until around 1980, when a condition called “Embouchure Dystonia” ended his music career. He gratefully retired from substitute teaching in 2014. Three-times nominated for a Pushcart Prize, he has published in Zone 3, The Main Street Rag, Fictive Dream, Superstition Review, and many other journals. His chapbook, Short Story Quartet, is published by Bottlecap Press Features. He lives in Southern California with his wife, Jo-Anne Cappeluti: a poet and scholar.