Launch of Issue 7: Nonfiction

Superstition Review Issue 7 has launched and to celebrate we will be featuring blog posts about our artists and authors. Today we will be highlighting a few of the talented nonfiction authors who are featured in Issue 7.

Cynthia Hogue has published seven collections of poetry, most recently, The Incognito Body (2006), and Or Consequence and When the Water Came: Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina (co-authored with photographer Rebecca Ross), both in 2010. Among other awards, she has received Fulbright, NEA, and MacDowell Colony fellowships, and in 2009, a Witter Bynner Translation Residency from the Santa Fe Art Institute. In 2003, she joined the Creative Writing Program in the Department of English at Arizona State University as the Maxine and Jonathan Marshall Chair in Modern and Contemporary Poetry. Read her nonfiction piece “The Genius of the Western World” featured in issue 7. Cynthia Hogue’s Website

Erin Grauel just passed her thesis defense and will be receiving an MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of New Orleans in May 2011. She grew up on the beaches of South Carolina and has an English Degree from Coastal Carolina University. Erin is currently working on a collection of essays tentatively entitled, “Essays in which a Militant Nerd has Fun.” Read her nonfiction piece “Designing a Golden Rant” in issue 7.

George Estreich received his M.F.A. in poetry from Cornell University. His book of poems, Textbook Illustrations of the Human Body, won the Rhea and Seymour Gorsline Prize from Cloudbank Books. His memoir about raising a daughter with Down Syndrome, The Shape of the Eye, was published recently by Southern Methodist University Press. He lives in Oregon with his family. Read his nonfiction piece “The Shadow Family” in issue 7. George Estreich’s Website

T.A. Noonan is the author of Petticoat Government (Gold Wake Press, 2011) and The Bone Folders (Sundress Publications, forthcoming). Her work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Verse DailyspecsPhoebeRHINOHarpur Palate, and many others. She lives on Florida’s Treasure Coast with her husband and is currently at work on a novel. Read her nonfiction piece “Countertopping” featured in issue 7.


The full magazine with featured art and artists from issue 7 can be found here. Check back tomorrow to read about the poets featured in issue 7.