Intern Highlights: Alex Linden

superstision 1Superstition Review is unique as an online literary and arts journal, being primarily produced by student interns from Arizona State University. There are two of each genre editor–one of which, Poetry Editor,

Alex Linden was kind and generous enough to provide us with a little time and insight into what she does for SR and what she likes to do. Look forward to more information about your editors in upcoming blogs, newsletters, and the website.

Superstition Review: What inspired you to start working with SR?

Alex Linden: I thought it would be a really great experience. I had Managing Editor Patricia Murphy for a couple of online classes and she mentioned that she was starting an online literary journal with student editors. It sounded innovative and fun.

SR: What do you enjoy most about SR?

AL: I just really love reading poetry. Comparing my opinions with fellow editors is interesting. People tend to point out things I might not notice about a particular piece.

SR: What kinds of things do you have to do as a Poetry Editor?

AL: First of all, solicit authors who we would like to see published. It was really exciting to be able to send emails to writers I respect deeply, and have some of them respond with submissions. Then, of course, read all of the submissions that come in and decide which to choose. We also did online interviews—which were great because due to the online format we had time to craft some really thoughtful and precise questions.

SR: What are your own personal tastes and preferences in poetry, and how do they affect what you select, both positively and negatively?

AL: Like most people, I like poetry that makes me feel something. Even a poem that annoys me or baffles me is better than one that is boring. I tend to like poetry that is more on the confessional side, and poetry that is a little shocking. Sharon Olds is my favorite poet.

I would try to not let this affect what poems I select because I think it is important to think outside of the box. At the same time, being completely objective isn’t possible. This is why it is important to have two poetry editors—we try to balance each other out. There were poems I would never select at first, but when encouraged to take a second look at, I definitely appreciated more.

SR: What are your plans for next semester?

AL: To graduate college! And hopefully get into graduate school.

SR: What do you do and enjoy most outside of SR?

AL: I love music, to go to concerts. I read a lot and write whenever possible.

SR: What do you feel you’ve learned from this internship?

AL: The whole process of how an online journal works. It takes a lot of patience and persistence. I am really impressed by everyone—especially those who started the magazine.

SR: What would you say about your own personality is your best working asset?

AL: I don’t procrastinate! Usually 🙂

Thanks so much to Alex Linden and all of our editors for your time and dedication to issue 2! You know I am looking forward to the release! I have faith that you have all done an amazing job. If you would like to be featured in a blog for Superstition Review, please comment and I’ll get in touch with you!