Progress Update: Closing In

With just over three weeks left in our submissions period, Superstition Review staff are reaching a critical point in Issue 6. Submissions are pouring in and our section editors are reading and sorting them daily.

Our photoshopper has been busy formatting the head shots of confirmed authors as well as staff. We’re also looking to our Advertising Coordinator to develop new ways to expand our readership. Interview Editors are continuing their research by listening to National Public Radio broadcasts and reading previous interviews from our selected authors. This is allowing them to form more refined interview questions.

Content Coordinator Carrie Grant has confirmed poets James Hoggard and Amanda Auchter for this semester’s issue. Hoggard’s work has been published in Mississippi ReviewHarvard Review and others. His most recent work, out of the 19 books he’s published, is Triangles of Light: The Edward Hopper Poems.

Author of The Glass Crib, Amanda Auchter‘s writing has appeared in numerous reviews and magazines and she has received accolades from Crab Orchard Review and Bellevue Literary Review, among others. We look forward to their work with Superstition Review.

In addition to providing these weekly updates on our progress, I strive to provide information on Superstition Review authors, and upcoming literary events in the community. Stay tuned in the next few weeks for features on Matthew Gavin Frank and Melissa Pritchard.


Progress Update: Momentum

The Superstition Review staff continues to gain momentum while working on Issue 6. Section editors are voting on submissions via our website, Submishmash, which has allowed advisors and editors to work quickly, reading submissions then assigning them to additional readers. As a reminder, the Superstition Review submission period concludes on October 31st and submissions can be made to

Our Interview Editors have confirmed several interviewees for Issue 6 including Beverly Donofrio, Elizabeth Kadetsky, Alberto Ríos, Rishma Dunlop, and Erick Setiawan. Interview Editor Kimberly Singleton was delighted by positive feedback from Erick Setiawan about the Superstition Review website. He stated, “great website, by the way, and very much needed.” These interviews will take place in the next few weeks and will appear in Issue 6 of Superstition Review.

Additionally, Reading Series Coordinator Mary Richardson is pleased to announce that the Melissa Pritchard reading has been scheduled for November 18th. Pritchard is the recipient of numerous awards, including fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Howard Foundation at Brown University, the Illinois Arts Council. More details about the reading will be announced soon.