Royse Contemporary is proud to present the solo exhibition of Angel Cabrales entitled NGC 4594 (The Sombrero Galaxy). The title refers to the actual spiral galaxy located in the constellation Virgo with a bright nucleus, an unusually large central bulge, and a prominent dust lane in its inclined disk, which gives it the appearance of a sombrero.
“This galaxy is a focal point in my exploration in thoughts and needs to identify as an American of Mexican heritage in a world where political and social climates push cultural identity to the extremes and I find myself feeling out of place,” states Cabrales. “These ideas and feelings are something many can relate to and Cabrales has once again created artwork that blends social and political concerns of today while beginning an important dialogue with his viewers,” states Curator Nicole Royse.
This exhibition features an enthralling new collection of mixed media abstract paintings and sculptures. Through his work the artist searches for a cultural home where he doesn’t have to prove how American or how Mexican he is, and just live in the Spanglish amalgamation he grew up in. He utilizes industrial design and commercialism while approaching such tough topics through a powerful and often satirical lens. Cabrales has created laser cut resin “paintings” which the artist says, “track my voyage to self-discovery as I chart the Heavens in my search for NGC 4594 a place to call a celestial home of my imagination,” going on to say “becoming a home to my feeling of displacement and want for a place to call my own.”
Cabrales is a multi-media sculptor who is creating dynamic sculptures, interactive installations, and digital imagery. He received his Bachelors of Fine Arts in Sculpture from Arizona State University and his Masters of Fine Arts in Sculpture from the University of North Texas. Currently he is the Visiting Assistant Professor in Sculpture at the University of Texas at El Paso, as well as a mentor in The Low Residency Masters of Fine Arts Program for the School of Art Institute of Chicago.
He has exhibited his artwork extensively in Texas and Arizona, having his work featured in both solo and group exhibitions at renowned institutions and galleries including most recently at the MAC, Texas Biennial, Galeria 409, the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, The Latino Cultural Center of Dallas, Brownsville Fine Arts Museum, El Paso Museum of Art and AMBOS Project (an intervention collaboration). Royse Contemporary in Scottsdale, Arizona and Ro2 Gallery in Dallas, Texas currently represent Cabrales’ work. His work has been featured in numerous publications both online and in print including ArtNet, Fusion Magazine, Texas Architect, Huffington Post, El Paso Times, Scottsdale Independent, and Arizona Republic, just to name a few.
The opening reception will take place on April 5, 2018 from 5:00-10:00 pm coinciding with the weekly Thursday Scottsdale ArtWalk with an opportunity to meet the artist who will be in town from Texas. NGC 4594 (The Sombrero Galaxy) will be on view from Thursday, April 5 through Saturday, April 28, 2018. Royse Contemporary is located in the Marshall Square complex at 7077 E. Main Street, Suite 6, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. Royse Contemporary is open Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9:30-1:30pm, Wednesday 9:00-1:00pm, Thursday 5:00-10:00 pm, and Saturday 11:00pm-3:00pm.