To all writers and artists who have contributed work this season for submission in Superstition Review, we interns are very grateful and appreciate your hard work just as much as you appreciate ours. If you’ve been solicited and responded to our submissions crew, or have already sent in your work via e-mail, take a load off your shoulders and sit back. Halloween has come and gone, and there’s plenty of left-over candy to relax with.

While the fall season is finally, truly and undeniably setting in with the holidays, the time to think of harvests and bounty has arrived. Among the harvests most significant to those of us here at Superstition Review is the PolyHarvest CSA. If you’ve been to any of our readings or are planning to go to the next one, you should know that the wonderful catering we have done with fresh fruits and veggies is courtesy of the PolyHarvest CSA.

What is the PolyHarvest CSA? A CSA is a Community Supported Agriculture program. In a CSA, community members buy “shares” of produce through a contract. They pay up front for these shares, and as a result, farmers benefit by receiving steady upfront payment in order to support themselves, and the community benefits by receiving fresh fruits and vegetables, and by learning more about where produce comes from.

In the PolyHarvest CSA, produce shipments come in every Thursday. The PolyHarvest CSA is affiliated with Arizona State University’s Polytechnic Campus. This program is especially relevant to Polytechnic campus because of Polytechnic’s theme of “healthy living” and ASU president Michael Crow’s focus on community involvement.

Superstition Review got involved with the PolyHarvest CSA when our supervisor, Patricia Colleen Murphy, contacted PolyHarvest CSA’s coordinator to see if catering was available. Forming alliances in the community is important out here–PolyHarvest CSA also donates to the House of Refuge in Phoenix, which is a shelter and support system for homeless and other disadvantaged people.

PolyHarvest CSA recently has had kale, arugula, bokchoi and other greens in season. Additionally, they’ve had potatoes, tubers, squash, melons, pumpkins, tomatoes, green onions, and more available. Their next season begins very soon, so visit the website and contact their coordinator, Chris Wharton, for more information or to get a contract and get involved. Donations are also welcome!

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