SR Pod/Vod Series: Poet Molly Brodak

Each Tuesday we feature audio or video of an SR Contributor reading their work. Today we’re proud to feature a podcast by Molly Brodak.

Molly Brodak is from Michigan and currently lives in Georgia. Her poems have recently appeared in Field, Kenyon Review Online, Bateau, Ninth Letter, Colorado Review, and her first book A Little Middle of the Night, won the 2009 Iowa Poetry Prize.

You can read along with her poems in Issue 6 of Superstition Review.

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Progress Update: Poets Mary Carroll-Hackett and Molly Brodak confirmed

Our Section Editors continue to read open submissions. If you would like to submit work for Superstition Review Issue 6, visit for more information about our guidelines. The deadline for Submissions is October 31st.

Our Content Coordinator confirmed poets Mary Carroll-Hackett and Molly Brodak for Issue 6. Carroll-Hackett’s book The Real Politics of Lipstick won the 2010 Slipstream Press poetry competition and was published in August. Brodak’s poetry has been published in Kenyon Review OnlineNinth Letter, and Field, and she was awarded the 2009 Iowa Poetry Prize for her first book, A Little Middle of the Night.

Superstition Review staff will be busy putting the finishing touches on Issue 6 for the launch in December. Stay tuned for updates on our plans for a reading by Melissa Pritchard on November 8th at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Pima Auditorium on Tempe Campus.