SR Pod/Vod Series, Recording: Stephen Cloud

Stephen CloudThis Tuesday, we are proud to feature a podcast of SR contributor Stephen Cloud reading his short story from Issue 17.

You can follow along with Stephen’s two poems in Superstition Review, Issue 17.

More about the author:

After kicking around the West for a while (with stops in Spokane, Flagstaff, and Sedona), Stephen Cloud has settled in Albuquerque, where he’s fixing up an old adobe, working on poems, and pondering the official New Mexico state question: “Red or green?” Recent publications include work in Valparaiso Poetry Review, High Desert Journal, New Madrid, Shenandoah, and Tar River Poetry.

New Madrid: Call For Submisions

NEW MADRID: Call for Submissions

“Paradise is an island. So is hell.”

– Judith Schalansky, Atlas of Remote Islands

Winter 2016 Theme: Evolving Islands

We are seeking submissions of original fiction, poetry, and essays on the theme of “Evolving Islands” for our winter 2016 issue. Islands are dynamic geographical entities. They appear and disappear on a regular basis due to volcanic activity and changes in sea level. Their ecosystems are volatile. Some islands are covered in ice or snow. Some are inhabited only by wild horses or pigs. Some islands are artificial. Some are imaginary. 

Find more theme details on our website:

Submission Deadline: October 15, 2015.


Logo_NewMadrid (1)

New Madrid: Call for Submissions

Oct. 15 Deadline: Irish Famine-themed Journal Issue

There is still time to submit your work for consideration for the upcoming New Madrid issue, “The Great Hunger.” In keeping with Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh’s poem of the same title, the editors invite submissions that revisit the collective trauma of Gorta Mór, the great famine that occurred in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. We are interested in work that explicitly or implicitly addresses such questions as why the Irish famine resulted in profound and long-lasting social and cultural catastrophe, how the Irish developed coping mechanisms in the face of such devastation, and to what degree the famine became a hidden wound in succeeding generations of Irish and of those who emigrated from Ireland. The deadline is Oct. 15. More details on our website:

Call for Submissions: New Madrid

New Madrid, Winter 2013 Issue: The Great Hunger

The New Madrid editors invite well-crafted submissions of fiction, nonfiction and poetry for an upcoming theme issue, “The Great Hunger.” In keeping with Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh’s poem of the same title, the editors seek submissions that revisit the collective trauma of Gorta Mór, the great famine that occurred in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. For this issue, the Irish famine also serves as a touchstone for the exploration of issues of food scarcity today. Thus the editors invite contributions that investigate famines that have taken place outside Ireland, as well as submissions that address hunger as a contemporary phenomenon. Submissions will be accepted between August 15 and October 15, 2013. All contributions should be of interest to the general reader. Please do not submit scholarly articles. Visit for further details on this theme, and to learn how to submit your work.

Call for Submissions: New Madrid


New Madrid, journal of contemporary literature, will dedicate its Winter 2013 issue to the theme of winning and losing. Though not limited to basketball or to sports in general in its expression of the theme, this issue will serve as a tribute to the MSU Racer basketball team, which basked in unprecedented national attention in the 2011-12 season due to its status as the last undefeated Division I men’s team, at one point climbing as high as No. 7 in national rankings. The Racers also clinched the Ohio Valley Conference championship and secured their 15th invitation to the NCAA tournament—as a 6th seed, their highest ever. The editors are looking for work in all literary genres that gives evidence of what ABC’s Wide World of Sports used to call “the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.” Through the theme, the issue will explore the implications of winning and losing, not just in sports but in many other arenas as well (for example, war, business, marriage, board games, real estate, the stock market). Submissions addressing success, failure, luck, chance, etc., in any aspect of the human condition are welcome. All submissions should be of interest to the general reader. Please do not submit scholarly articles. Submissions will be accepted between August 15 and October 15, 2012. Guidelines: