Communications and Ruminations

First off, I want to thank our new cast of commenters for coming. I hope you keep reading, and feel impressed or intrigued enough with the goings on of our magazine to get this link our to your friends and loved ones. Feel free to keep leaving us comments here at the Superstition Review Blog, and help us build both a digital and geographical literary community.

(If you have any insight, suggestions, concerns or questions, please leave a message!) 842078_greek_helmet_1

It is the natural means of humanity to connect to the masses in the method of words–the written and spoken words have both served as the gatekeepers to society. It seems as if the rubric of culture is that civilization truly exists once a verbal history has developed. The translation back and forth between spoken and script tradition is how humanity has obtained much of its heritage and history. For example, this is observed in the philosophies of Plato as transcribed by Socrates, and the epic origin poetry of Homer as spread through oral storytelling.

Therefore, it is with great honor and contemplation that we here at Superstition Review invite you to share on this tradition at our side. We have an upcoming reading on Monday, November 17th. This reading circles back to our local Arizona State University community by featuring undergraduate ASU Creative Writing students. If you are a student at ASU and interested in reading, please contact us to see if spots are available. As always, we hope to see you there, and more information is forthcoming.

Finally, keeping in mind the important of written-to-oral-and-back again communication in this culture, consider it an act of service and reverence to the English language to attend and participate in readings. Based on the desires of its participants, all languages will change, flourish, or go extinct over time.

Based upon your emotional and intellectual reactions to the following image, please, Readers, tell us what direction you would like your verbal culture to go next:


Upcoming Events, Submissions Soon to Close!

Writers, Artists, and SR Editors all find themselves wound up this week, as our submissions period is ending. We have hit the home stretch, and will quickly race towards home base and our second issue release.

Remember, the fall-winter submissions period ends on October 31st.

Also coming up is Superstition Review‘s final reading event on November 17th. Our final reading will feature pieces by Arizona State University Creative Writing students.

Mark your calendars and get ready for the next step in issue 2 of Superstition Review!

Superstition Review — Second Reading.

Thank you all for attending the second reading in SR‘s reading series this Monday. We had some excellent writers in attendance, and in addition the audience turn out was also quite good. This included Lois Roma-Deeley (Paradise Valley CC, poetry), Patrick Michael Finn (Chandler-Gilbert CC, fiction) , Josh Rathkamp (Mesa CC, poetry), and Hershman John (Phoenix College, poetry). Our next reading will involve writers who are currently attending Arizona State University. Please note our final reading in the series is November 17th.

Please keep reading to see more photos of our participants.
Read more

Readings and Submissions — Keep it coming!

Thanks to everyone who has submitted so far! We have really got some great work coming in, and keep in mind you still have until the end of October to keep submitting your work.  Our editors are keeping very busy and doing a great job of organizing and sorting through submissions so far.

Likewise, we’ve got our second reading in our reading series coming up on Monday, October 13th at 7:30 p.m. Again, it will be hosted in the Cooley Ballroom in the Student Union at the ASU Polytechnic campus. This reading features work by writing faculty from various community colleges. Hope to see you there.

Working up the perdition and drive to complete and finish a piece for submission is among the greatest challenges most writers face. For a lot of early writers, such as Miguel de Cervantes or the Marquis de Sade have used time imprisoned in order to focus on their ideas, which eventually developed into literary classics! Though we all can’t become part of the Western Canon, there are a lot of authors today who still make it big–big screen…

Learn more about how top American contemporary authors can get from a blank page to a big screen next update. Until next time!

Gearing up Superstition Review

After the successful release of our Spring 2008 issue, Superstition Review is back again to present and accept new writing works for your enjoyment. We already have many events and meetings planned, and the best place to keep a heads up on new developments and fresh contact is here on our blog. Keep an eye out for announcements! Here are a few things you should look forward to, coming up soon:

First Reading Series Event: 7:30 p.m. — Monday, September 8th, 2008.

Our readings will be hosted in the Cooley Ballroom in the Student Union at the ASU Polytechnic campus. Admission is always free, and refreshments will be served. This reading will feature writers from the Spring issue of the Superstition Review.

Future readings are scheduled for Monday, October 13th and Monday, November 17th.

Submissions: The Superstition Review is an online national literary publication based out of Arizona State University. We are currently accepting submissions through the month of October. If you are a writer interested in being published, please come check out our submission guidelines. Our projected release for issue 2 is December 2008, and is made possible with your submitted contributions.

Reading Series a Success!

Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing. Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative WritingThe Superstition Review reading series this past Monday, February 25th was an amazing success. The faculty of ASU Polytechnic were gracious enough to read some of their work, which was received with great enthusiasm by the reading series audience.

To make sure that you don’t miss the next set of our reading series, mark your calendar for Monday, March 31st, when the talented writers from the will be sharing some of their work with the public. The reading will take place from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m., in Cooley Ballroom B, at the ASU Polytechnic campus. For directions to the campus, please click here.

Also, we’re still looking for students who would like to read some of their work at the third installment of the reading series on Monday, April 28th; if you would be interested in this opportunity, please e-mail us for more information.

History in the Making

With the debut of our Reading Series yesterday, February 25th, the Superstition Review time line is moving along with amazing speed.

As the publication of our first issue grows nearer everyday, we here at the magazine decided that having an Inaugural Issue interview of the staff and founders of Superstition Review is a must. As we plan on being around for quite some time, we want to capture the moment of Superstition Review’s inception. More simply put, we want something that future interns, readers, and writers of the magazine can look back on and see just how much the magazine has grown since its beginning.

Also, because Superstition Review is a completely online magazine, it is a good example of where many literary magazines will be in 20 years: on the Web. While tangible magazines aren’t disappearing anytime soon, there will be an increase of traditional magazines gracing the World Wide Web, and whole new movement of literary magazines that will start on the Web, just like us.

The benefit of an online magazine is that people anywhere in the world can read or submit their work to Superstition Review. Knowledge and creativity are present in every culture, and we want to foster and encourage those traits wherever they may be.

We hope that by offering an in-depth look at how Superstition Review was created, others will see that it is possible to create a successful magazine for the community of artists and writers in a way that is accessible to all.

As always, check out our homepage for more information, or e-mail us with any questions.

Don’t Forget!

The first of the Superstition Review Reading Series is debuting today, February 25th at the ASU Polytechnic Campus in Cooley Ballroom B, near the Student Union.

The readings start at 3 p.m.and end at 5 p.m.; there is no admission fee, and free refreshments will be provided to anyone who attends.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Superstition Review Reading Series

ASU Polytechnic Starting Monday, February 25th, Superstition Review will host the first reading of a three-part series that will introduce the magazine to the public. Each reading will take place on a Monday at the ASU Polytechnic Campus in Cooley Ballroom B, near the Student Union.

The reading series is FREE to the public and will offer refreshments along with an exciting cast of authors.

If you are a student who lives in the Phoenix/Tempe area and you would be interested in reading a piece of your work for the Superstition Review reading series, please email us at: or visit our homepage to find out more about the magazine.

To get directions to the readings, click here. We look forward to seeing you there!